What is Mo’s House of Axe about, you ask?

A fun adventure any night! Everything from the cool thing to do on an otherwise boring Wednesday to birthdays, corporate events & team buildingthe after work Happy Hour hang, premieres & wrap partieskids’ parties, date nights, weddings, divorces, needle drops, brises, graduations, cosplay … you get the idea!

In short, we’re about throwing axes and having a great time. But not just throwing… throwing them well. Throwing with style. Our axe-throwing bar and restaurant is a thrilling yet relaxing place to be. With guidance from our Axe Coaches, you’ll learn to stick it, compete and have a blast. Was there something insanely stressful happening today? Is your job a soul sucking distraction from pursuing your dreams? Are you still in LA? Relax, and axe.


Mo’s is serving our tasty combination of sliders, homemade cornbread, crunchy fried chicken, and other delicious treats as we experiment in the back in preparation for announcing a new menu.  Come back to our site later this month to see where we’re headed!

We also have a full bar, stocked with friendly and talented tenders. If you aren’t sure what you want to drink, they’ll help you decide without casting a judgmental glare. If you do know, they’ll nail it. The beer selection focuses on local brews with 12 beers on tap and assorted bottles and cans. We offer natural and biodynamic artisanal wines, unique seasonal cocktails, hard Kombucha and cider.

Join the Club.

You may be wondering if a sport like axe throwing is for you. Sure, Brie Larson, defender of the universe, foe of all evil, Captain Marvel herself stopped by and threw herself a bullseye. The cool as hell outdoorsman, ocean defender and the great Khal of the Dothraki, Jason Mamoa is a highly-skilled axe-throwing enthusiast. And Mackenzie Davis and Linda Hamilton, stars of the most recent Terminator movie, stopped by Mo’s to enjoy a few hatchet chucks. But don’t worry! Even the math hat wearing once and future presidential candidate Andrew Yang threw a bullseye!

Wait — is this just for muscle-bound superheroes and mathletes? No! We’ve thrown with ages 8 to 80, from every size, shape, creed, fashion sense and with differing feelings about the movie Cats

We look forward to throwing with you. Come as you are and feel the THUNK!